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Wedding Packages Bronze

Means that you yourselves come here and decorate the tables and dining room as desired, otherwise offered our standard table settings as in ordinary “finmiddag” ie, white linen tablecloths, linen napkins, candles on the tables, no flowers or other decorations.

All this gets you at a price of 825 SEK per person when booking at least 30 people.

Of course we also organize weddings for smaller groups, please contact us for further information.

At any night flick will be a surcharge of 75 per person.

Other guests pay accommodation under regular prices.

This price is valid May, June, July, August, December, except for New Year’s Eve when other rates apply.

During other months, a deduction of 50 per person

Note that for all three packages, this is a basic one, do you have other requests such as special flowers, the color of the napkins or drinks etc will be in addition to the basic price.

This is included in our Bronze Package:

  • Bubble with snacks
  • The starters and main course »

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